The team with ( mid grey sweater ) kick bokser Denise Kiehlholz

Towards the end of 2018 I designed, curated and moderated a team empowerment day for the Tommy Hilfiger E-commerce team, in request of their Director Suzanne . Goal was to inspire and empower the team to act and own a better business partner position and attitude towards other stakeholder and the business. I involved MMA fighter Denise Kiehlholz to kick some ass. Have a look at the short movie below for an impression of that day.

Need advise or help to design an empowerment day for your team? I am only one click, email or phone call away!

Video impression of the day
Suzanne Mulders-Pluijmers | Senior Product Strategy Manager : “Isrid embraces the challenges that come her way at any time and manages to turn these challenges into a positive and constructive event. The empowerment Ponsteiger session Isrid held for my team made a strong impact. I admire Isrid’s energy, sincerity, capability to connect people, her knowledge and vision on the international fashion industry.”
Q&A with Denise at my office at Pontsteiger Amsterdam
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